Hempcrete - Natural building material

Hempcrete is a composite made of natural materials, lime and hemp. Hemp is a product of the cultivation of a cannabis plant, of which the fibres can be used to create a variety of materials such as paper, industrial blocks and clothing etc. It can be grown without using plant protection chemicals, requires little water and is biodegradable. The combination of lime and hemp creates a natural concrete which is lightweight and nearly as strong as regular concrete. 

The benefits of hempcrete are: 

  • It has great energy efficiency.
  • It has a natural aesthetic
  • It maintains a steady temperature - good thermal regulation.
  • It doesn't shrink or expand, so as a result doe not crack.
  • It is a breathable material.
  • It provides a healthy environment.
  • It's very simple to use if you follow the process correctly.
  • It gains in strength over time.
  • Its cheap as hemp is an abundant and natural material.
  • The material acts as a carbon sink.
  • It stores and releases water - can also be 100% waterproof if mixed correctly.
  • It is fire resistant.
  • It is a great insulator.
  • It is pest resistant.

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