Ad6605 Furnitecture Proposal
My initial sketches for my furnitecture bench proposal were rough, but I eventually came to the drawing that can be seen above. The concept for my bench is focused around the human senses, the coordinate with the rest of my design projects master plan. When I attempted to design this, I really didn't want the restrictions of a classic bench, in regards to scale and use. I thought to myself, 'a bench is just a thing to put your arse on while you rest, maybe to view something, but most people will just go on their phone'. I wanted to debunk my pessimistic attitudes towards creating something that bored me, by creating something that is the complete opposite of the normal interpretation of a bench. I decided to design something more interactive, fun for children and a destination that will become part of the identity of Gloucester, symbolising unity, power and security.
This final visual page gets the idea of the bench across, but I think I would have liked to have experimented more with materials. The positioning of the bench could also be tested in a few locations to idealise specific viewpoints for the bench to look over in the context of the design. The sunbeds are also distinctive features on the finger sections of the bench, these will also need to be positioned so that they a reclined facing a south direction. Overall, I happy with how the bench looks. I'm less satisfied with the page layout. The bottom images need more white space cut from them so that the bench is brought more onto the page. The top left image needs ess shadow to make the structure more visible against the white background.
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